Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Wellness Wednesday

Well now, I feel like a total fatty after yesterdays treats! In light of our little indulgence, Wednesday's are going to be dedicated to over all wellness.

This is where I work. You should go here.  It's awesome.

Also, this lady is amazing!

As most of you know,  I'm trying this thing called running.  It SUCKS.  It just one of those things I've never been good at.  But, I ran my first race ever a few Sundays ago.  Never ever in my life would think I could run one mile let alone four. I did it at a snails pace and finished it in 54 minutes and 18 secs. Nevertheless, I did it and I'm going to keep doing it.

If I can do it, you can.  There is no excuse why YOU can't.  Just GET UP and MOVE! It doesn't have to be anymore than just that. Seriously, just frickin' move.  I started with taking my dog for walks.  Then, I started going to the gym.  I was terrible, weak, and slow.  It gets you down that first week. You think you can do it, you suck blah blah blah.  GET OVER IT.

Look at this guy..

He didn't give up when he had absolutely every reason to.

I am still slow but I'm getting better.  Getting started is really the first obstacle and really the only one.  You WERE working out?  You WERE active?  So what, you stopped?  Get started, again. So this week just focus on moving.  Go for a walk.  It's nice out so go outside.  It's raining?  Lay on the floor and stretch.  DO SOMETHING.

Happy Wednesday.  Be well.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the motivation Emme... although I still don't plan on running unless someone chases me. I prefer Spin Class with loud music and sweaty people and a trainer yelling at me :) Keep up the good work! xoxo
