Wednesday, May 23, 2012

This game of Chutes and Ladders.

Stole this from Melissa...Take Flight Wellness

This week I'm focusing on my latissimus dorsi aka the lats. This is a key muscle in the exercise called a pull-up.
Which I found out, I CAN'T DO even a little bit.  I can barely hang there for 5 seconds.  If I were dangling to my death like in the movies and waiting for someone to save me, I'd be dead. *sigh*

This is Amanda Balding, a triathlete. She loves her lats. Yea well, I love them to Miss Balding.

Here are the exercises I'm using off of, which is a fantastic website for healthy living/ healthy eating all the good stuff.

Starting Position

Select desired weight. Stand near left side of cable cross machine and adjust that pulley to the highest position. Place straight T-bar attachment onto the pulley’s carabiner. Stand facing the weight stack with an overhand grip on the bar, arms reaching straight up to the bar. Keep back straight, feet hip-width apart and abs engaged. 


EXHALE: Keep arms straight (but not locked) as you pull the bar down towards the front of the thighs. 

INHALE: Slowly return arms back up to the start position to complete one rep. 

Special Instructions

Do not lean back as you lower the bar. For greater balance and stability, stand with feet wider than the hips. Keep elbows just slightly bent throughout movement. 

Muscles Worked: Back (lats), triceps 

Starting Position

Follow machine instructions for set up and select desired weight. Sit so that knees are under pad, feet are flat on floor. Grab the bar, placing hands wider than the shoulders, palms facing forward. Engage abs, keep spine straight, and lean backward just slightly. 


EXHALE: Pull the bar down towards your chest by bending the elbows. 

INHALE: Slowly release the bar overhead by straightening at the elbows to complete one rep. 

Special Instructions

Never pull the bar behind your head. When leaning back, make sure spine is straight. When returning to start position, make sure elbows do not lock. Adjust placement on hands on bar if necessary (a closer grip is easier; a wider grip is more challenging). 

Muscles Worked: Back (lats) 

I going to use the rowing machine as well. 

That't the focus group for this week ladies and germs.  Enjoy your sexy LATS ;)

Update:  I'm down 1.4lbs. 192lbs last week.  This week 190.6lbs.  My mile is getting much faster from 13 minutes to 12:15 with the fastest (a total fluke in my opinion) at 11:30.  However doing my long runs, I am still having trouble keeping my average speed up and my mile average is still hovering in the 13 to 14 minute range. TOO SLOW!!!  Keep going, keep going Lemonlime. 


  1. Patience with running. Too fast too soon and you risk injury. Pick a training plan and stick to it.

  2. I couldn't do pull-ups either if I was dangling to my death. Worrisome! I used to do a lot on Sparkpeople. The exercises and the nutritional info is for real people - not Barbie's and Bambi's.
