Monday, May 7, 2012

Art Dork Monday

The most amazing man I know.  Tyler, you takes the cakes.

Everyday I will have a something different to post until, I figure out what you people actually would like to read about.  Lets face it,  I'm not gonna sit here and just post pictures of myself and my dog all the time. Or maybe I will if that truly interests you and if that's the case I feel bad for you, ya weirdos.

So Mondays I will dedicate to art projects and crafts that I did or would like to do over the course of the week or weekend, either or.

Maybe my fellow artists will enjoy the inspiration or if you would like to see me make something in particular I'm all for suggestions.

I've been into circles lately. Little sketch. Enjoy.

If you have any cool links or drawings of your circles feel free to post them.

Also this is awesome.  It's not mine...Self Portrait made with circles.

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