Friday, May 18, 2012

Sin Gin. Shit got weird.

I know what you all are thinking.  I slacked on Thursday.
Well, That's just not true.
I did in fact have my Thirsty Thursday cocktail and was going to post about it when...I got drunk. Smashed,even.  Actually, just super weird. Ask Tyler.

Like Wifey weird.  This is Wifey.  I love you.

I was recommended a drink by a patient of mine.  A gin martini.  Now, I haven't had gin since I "accidentally" tried it when I was 18 and thought it was poison.  Yet in my wiser years,  I thought it was time to broaden my horizons.
If you are not a gin drinker (which I am definitely NOT), I probably wouldn't recommend this drink.  While it is delicious, it's extremely potent and not for light weights.  You people can stick to vodka with cranberry juice and sour mix with other stuff.

However, for science, try this surprisingly tasty beverage.

To make this super weird cocktail, you will need this stuff.

And this stuff.

With a cucumber slice.

Half and Half over ice.  Shake.  Pour.  Serve with a slice of cucumber and shaker rocks on the side.

It was so very tasty like sweet rose water.  It had a bit of a pin-sol aftertaste, but I guess gin drinkers get use to that or like that or whatever. I guess that's why they like gin. 

I would say limit yourself to one.  Anymore than that, you might just rob a bank or barf.  Either Or.

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